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Old 25th Feb 2013, 8:58 pm   #99
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Sonoma County, California, USA.
Posts: 405
Default Re: Garrard record player deck identification.

The single play "P" models sold far better than the corresponding record changers in the UK and in Europe. In the USA, only the record changer models were catalogued. But by then, with Garrard in decline against the Japanese and against Dual, which was having major financial difficulties beginning around that time, sales weren't good overall.

The successor models based on the Large Delglides saw a phaseout of their record changer models.

The GT35 got some good reviews but with the brand fading, they didn't help sales much. My GT35 does perform well; I don't know if this is typical, because I acquired it as a junker and have practically reconstructed it completely, including a rebuild of the electronic speed board and a total dismantling and reassembly of the automatic module. It really doesn't require lubrication per se, due to its construction from low-friction plastics; but there IS a tonearm slipclutch that could give problems; mine was slipping. And, as is typical of many manufacturers' tonearm lift designs damped by silicone fluid on a vertical shaft, the tonearm dropped rather abruptly due to the damping fluid flowing under gravity; the silicone fluid needed to be replenished.
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