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Old 20th Aug 2017, 7:36 pm   #3
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Default Re: Woodworm damaged cabinets

The woodworm and eggs are probably dead, especially if the cabinets have been treated with woodworm killer (insecticide). Recent flight holes look very light coloured and fresh. The wormies mature into beetles and emerge in the spring, so that will be when you will know for sure.

Don't be too worried about woodworm infesting your house from an old radio, even if they're still active. They don't like modern building and furniture materials and painted surfaces. It takes many years for an infestation to build up, so you will have plenty of time to deal with any problems. If you're particularly worried, keep the radios sealed in bin liners from March to June. If there's no evidence of munched up wood by the summer then they're dead.

There are lots of different ways to repair woodworm damage depending on your attitude and skill and how bad the damage is. You can do anything from rubbing a bit of brown shoe polish into the holes to completely reveneering the cabinet.
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