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Old 23rd Mar 2018, 6:52 pm   #2
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, UK.
Posts: 11,586
Default Re: Calling the old BT technicians...

I think this will get moved to 'Modern Technology'...

Not a BT technician (past or current) but if you have a Master socket which has a split-face front with a removable lower half, unscrew it, pull it out gently with any wiring attached to it and turn it to one side out of the way.

Plug just one wired phone into the socket deep on the inside of the master socket, either directly if you don't have broadband or via a microfilter if you do.

Have someone ring your line or do it yourself from a mobile. Does the wired phone ring every time now? If it does, you have a problem somewhere on your internal house wiring or with something which is plugged into it.

If it doesnt, the possibilities are:

-Fault between your master socket and the exchange.

-The phone you have chosen to use for testing is the cause of the fault (try another).

-The microfilter you have chosen to use for testing is the cause of the fault (try another).

I've had experience myself of ADSL microfilters going low resistance and causing problems exactly like yours.
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