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Old 14th Feb 2020, 2:51 pm   #13
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Haarlem, Netherlands
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Default Re: What are these leggy things?

That doesn't work as the cardiovascular thingy will have a part number starting with 4522 instead of 3122. The other digits have a higher than coincidental chance of being the same due to the way 12NCs are constructed.

Those are 99% sure from a tv set, very likely both from the same set, and there's a 90% chance that tv set has either a kt4 or a k40 chassis.

For those who are curious, this is the way it works for coding group 31, and at least partially for coding group 45 as well:
- Digit 1 and 2 indicate the code group, 31 for consumer electronics factory numbers
- Digit 3 and 4 indicate the coding centre which often but not always corresponds to a country, 22 for The Netherlands
- Digit 5 and 6 indicate the sub coding centre which often corresponds to the relevant design department. Sub coding centres often start counting at 10, so 12 is really common.
- Digit 7 an 8 indicate the article group, 70 is for assemblies in code group 31, possibly the same in code group 45 so that makes sense as well
- Digit 9, 10, 11 is an incremental designator, starts counting at 000 so 203 is also quite common as many article groups contain 203 or more articles.
- Digit 12 is the revision, starting at 1 so 1 is quite common but it can be disregarded anyway.

This system mostly doesn't apply to coding groups 48, 53 and anything from 82 up, and details are often different between groups.

The way the system is set up, means that within a production location, even only the last 5 digits are often sufficient for uniquely identifying a part especially if it is known what kind of part it is, but as soon as you step outside the location, things get really confusing quite fast. Years of observation and collecting numbers can lead to an accurate guess. Even people at Philips usually only know what they need to know.

Last edited by Maarten; 14th Feb 2020 at 3:16 pm.
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