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Old 10th Nov 2019, 10:26 am   #53
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Birmingham, West Midlands, UK.
Posts: 708
Default Re: Colour TV in UK in 1966-surely not!!

Yorkshire TV's Marconis in action.

However for sheer 60s glam it has to be the PC60, the Americans loved them but could not be seen buying euro cameras, so I think they were called Norelcos over there.

It's a shame that the TV technology decisions were always lead by the BBC in those days.... even then a creaky, eccentric old org making tatty looking programmes for 2 bob. Apparently spent time and effort working on 625 lines for Europe in the 50s while leaving the UK with 405 lines..and such was the forward-thinking of the collective BBC mind that when Top of the Pops moved to London, the studio they were given had colour cameras they chucked them out and put in monochromes...meanwhile while they were wiping popular programmes videotapes to save a few quid , they probably saved hours of tape showing Prince Charles going to Wales to open an envelope from his Mum?
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