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Old 18th Nov 2017, 9:07 am   #20
G3VKM_Roger's Avatar
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Location: Southeast Norfolk, UK.
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Default Re: Unknown 160m Transmission

Originally Posted by russell_w_b View Post
There was a LORAN-A station up on the east coast of Scotland at Cruden Bay.
There was also a Loran (Type A, I think) station located at RAF Garthness near to Sumburgh airport in the Shetland Islands. After I left Decca Navigator in '74 I moved to a company who were making an updated version of HIFIX called HydroTrac. I was sent to Shetland, Fair isle and Ducansby Head to select likely beacon sites and Garthness was an ideal spot. It was on care and maintainence at that time and a call to RAF Saxavord (spelling?) got us inside the Loran station with a local caretaker. It was chock full of gear I've long forgotten but I did recall a rack full of AR-88 receivers!

I believe the Loran station was scrapped and the site used for oil-workers accomodation. We chose Sumburgh Head, Fair Isle and Duncasby lighthouses for our chain, they were subject to bad WX outages but the chain ran for a number of years until differential GPS took over. I think the last Top Band system to go was Racal HyperFix and ATUs for that system still turn up, there was one in a recent VMARS auction, IIRC.


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