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Old 12th Aug 2014, 12:27 am   #12
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Default Re: Non-linearity of the human ear

When I was very young my parents found out that I had major hearing loss caused by mastoiditis, after operations on both ears my hearing was restored.

As a young man I got into Hi-Fi and I discovered that I could hear frequencies up to 22KHz and spent much effort to find the best configuration for my system.

Now as an old man I find myself with hearing loss again and cannot hear anything above 4-5KHz. I have recently got some of the latest digital hearing aids, but they do not really help as I find they amplify unwanted noises like creaks and cracks when walking across the floor, and do not do anything in a noisy situation except amplify the noise, so that it's like putting ones head in a steel drum.

I feel that my problem is with the actual eardrum, maybe the skin has become hard or maybe it has become soft like an old drum, do not know, but the doctor thinks nerve damage due to my increasing years.

Anyway, I can sympathize with the notion of non linearity of the human ear as in a quiet situation I can still hear somethings quite well.
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