Thread: Ambassador 545
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Old 11th Aug 2014, 9:32 am   #98
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Default Re: Ambassador 545

Originally Posted by sooperrio View Post
Also, could you expand on your 'EDIT' point please!? By expand, I mean really simply spell out your advice! Apologies for being dumb! Thank you!
I think Graham just means that neither core of the mains flex actually goes directly to the transformer. Rather, they appear to go to the voltage selector and the on/off switch first. So to replace the mains flex the "proper" way, you probably won't have to solder wires to the transformer at all.

If it's too daunting though, your friend's suggestion isn't unreasonable at all, so long as the stub of flex coming out of the chassis seems in excellent condition and so long as you can anchor the new flex securely; you could rob a plastic "saddle" cord grip from a mains plug and use that to clamp the new flex to the cabinet floor using suitable thin, short screws.

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