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Old 14th Aug 2017, 4:53 pm   #81
David Simpson
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Aberdeen, UK.
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Default Re: Free Standardised Valves

Nick, actually both Valve no5 & no6 exhibit quite a kink in the -20 to -15 Vg area. Both were tabulated in the late afternoons of Sat & Sun, approaching 5pm. I do recall having to monitor & adjust Vh & Va more often than normal on my DC tester set-up. No way am I making excuses, but I usually try & avoid testing near mealtimes. As the rural mains tends to fluctuate a bit. However, it just fitted in with my painting jobs this weekend. I'll repeat the tabulations on those two valves in morningtime later in the week & let you know.
I did read about it some time ago - but how exactly does the 163 measure Gm ? Doesn't it superimpose a signal of a few KHz on to the basic 50Hz grid -ve half wave pulses, then demodulate it again on the anode. I've never owned or worked on a 163.

Isn't valve testing fun? Regards, David
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