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Old 6th Nov 2018, 9:45 am   #8
Nickthedentist's Avatar
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Default Re: Can you identify this? (Rediffusion Frequency Translator).

Jeffrey's added:
This never was a standards converter. It was simply a modulator that
took a 405 line video signal and produced an RF output on Channel 1.

The original Rediffusion box was a UHF 625 line analogue receiver which
also contained a Rediffusion HF modulator. The box was made so that
Rediffusion customers could still use their TVs when the Rediffusion HF
wired service was discontinued. I modified the HF modulator to run on
Channel 1.

In 1989 there were no low cost standards converters available. Just a
few ex BBC and ITV converters for the few lucky people who had them or
optical (point a camera at a monitor) for everyone else. The first
affordable converters, the Dinosaur and the Pineapple, were made
available c1993.
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