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Old 6th Mar 2018, 7:41 pm   #7
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Default Re: Philips G23T210A

I have switch cleaning lubricant, think its the one you mentioned. It was bought from a well known high street shop beginning with "M" and, sadly, in trouble.

Just recently I bought an AVO 8 MK-II. I've managed not to buy an AVO up till now, but secretely always did want one. The 8 MK-II was the one we had in the school radio club, so that's what I went for.

But back to switch cleaning lubricants; I used said spray on my AVO's selector switch. To my horror, as as I applied it the switch became more and more difficult to turn! Bad move.

I did some research on switch contacts to see what might be the problem. I had always thought that any sort of grease on a switch contact was the enemy - big time! Actually, it seems not. The bits of the metal that actually make electrical contact are by far the minority of the surface area of it and are composed of sharp spikes that interact. These are well able to pierce any oil or grease. The grease will in fact prevent the metal oxidising and thus increase conductivity.

Back to the system switch. I'll do the minimum I have to of course but might use a special grease I've bought on the switch. I'll try the cleaning spray first.

The Grease worked wonders on the AVO!

I've put a few photos of my 17TG100U running on my profile.

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