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Old 23rd Jan 2019, 9:48 pm   #10
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Default Re: PYE 15A valve question

The 15A was a lovely set. I have one in my collection, plus another one in the loft awaiting attention.

EBL31 valves are fairly easily and cheaply obtainable nowadays, alternatively EBL1 valves are also easy to get - they have identical characteristics and you could either make up an adaptor using the base off a dud octal valve and a side contact valveholder, or if you are happy doing fine soldering work, actually remove the side contact base and replace it with an octal base. I have done this, though it is very fiddly.

However, the fact that the valveholder has been tampered with suggests that some other valve has been used in place of the original one. Something like a 6V6, for example - but unless the replacement valve had internal diodes, you may well find that solid state diodes have been soldered into the valve holder.

If you want to keep it original (or return it to its original specs) I would replace the valve holder as well as fitting a new valve. It would be sensible to replace C18 (Trader sheet 751) as well.
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