Thread: Nikola Tesla
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Old 10th Oct 2017, 3:34 pm   #16
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Default Re: Nikola Tesla

Stefan Marinov from Bulgaria was a believer in free energy... he had a chat with (I think) Frank Ogden, editor of Wireless World, about electric ball-bearing motors and Frank published it. Stefan claimed that the output energy was in addition to the heat dissipated due to I-squared R losses. I made one and it worked! Sadly, my instruments were not accurate enough to show that 240W electrical power in, resulted in 240W of heat AND 5W or so mechanical power...

Regrettably, Stefan Marinov killed himself. I tend to think Tesla went a bit doolally in the end, as nobody has managed to prove him right yet (and there must have been many attempts!
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