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Old 18th Oct 2017, 1:27 pm   #5
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Warsaw, Poland and Cambridge, UK
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Default Re: Chinese electronics and The Art of Electronics

I haven't watched the Horowitz interview yet, but the one about China is fascinating to me as a practising electronic engineer. It strikes me that the electronics district in Shenzhen is rather like the Tottenham Court Road of yesteryear, except that instead of starting with '19' Sets and Indicator No. 62s, they're starting with iPhones and 32-bit processors.

If I had that round the corner from my office, an awful lot more of my and my clients' product ideas would make it to reality instead of getting bogged down in the drudgery of sourcing parts and arranging manufacturers. This should be a lesson to us in Europe!

What's going on in the workshop?
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