Thread: Lisle St
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Old 12th Apr 2021, 12:56 pm   #20
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Default Re: Lisle St

In 1969 we moved from London to Liverpool. The day before we moved, having finished at my old school, I went up to Lisle St for what I thought was possibly the last time. Not having much money at 12 years old I think I just bought some wire ended neons. Working my way back to Leicester Square tube I took a parallel street thinking it might contain more interesting shops. Being Soho this was not the case and in fact Gerrard St was mainly strip clubs at the time. Oddly enough no one questioned the presence of a young boy wandering around alone during term time. I am certainly felt no issues travelling all around London at that age. My parents also thought there was nothing wrong with it.
Despite no longer living in London I did return a few times over the next 20 years, even dragging my future wife there in 1980. Each time they were fewer radio related shops each replaced by a Chinese restaurant or supermarket it appeared. There were some left even in 1980. However the very last to close was Gee Brothers in 1988, I have not bothered to return to that street since.
Tottenham Court Road was always visited at the same time and also slowly changed over the years. From radio and electronic shops in the 60s, Hi-Fi shops in the 70s and then computer shops in the 80 it seems to be a place following “fashion” trends.
I was very interested in photography at the time and took many pictures of the London famous places I thought I might never see again. If only I had realised at the time that it was the transitory things I should have photographed..... then again at the time I thought the shops would be there forever!
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