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Old 24th Mar 2020, 11:07 pm   #5
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Default Re: Bush Record Player SRP31D

If there is no slight background hum and no buzz when the cartridge connectors are touched it may be that the rectifier has failed. The small square rectifiers on these Bush record players often do. Sometimes the H.T voltage is very low and surprisingly the amplifier continues to work but if it fails completely there will be no sound at all. There is a bulb on the front of the amp chassis labelled as a fuse, check that is is tight in it's holder and that the bulb is OK. To be honest I can't remember if the lamp is just used as a HT fuse or as a fuse for the whole amplifier.
Make sure the record player is unplugged before dismantling though....
To gain access to the fuse bulb you have to remove the black control escutcheon, there are three screws to remove one each end and one in the middle.
Another thing to check is the plug at the left hand rear of the record deck if it corrodes in the socket or becomes dislodged it can also cause no sound.
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