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Old 17th Feb 2019, 9:18 pm   #42
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Derby, UK.
Posts: 7,735
Default Re: Baking or de-magnetizing toobs?

That's still considerably hotter than a standard kitchen oven gets! Gas Mark 9 is only 250°C. And the temperature rise on the outside is still only about a tenth of the temperature rise on the inside. So, assuming that the transfer of heat works equally well (or equally badly) either way, then baking a valve at no. 9 is going to make it about 25°C hotter internally .....

Unless I'm missing something really obvious, there's no way it can make a blind bit of difference. Not that there's any way to tell whether or not the valve's characteristics have changed anyway; since it's the same one, so you can't do proper side-by-side comparison. And you can't even start with two "identical" valves and bake just one of them, since you have no way to know exactly how paribus your caeteris is (to murder a phrase).
If I have seen further than others, it is because I was standing on a pile of failed experiments.
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