Thread: Hmv 1115
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Old 9th Feb 2018, 10:46 pm   #1
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Default Hmv 1115

The next victim has surrendered to the multitudinous tools of the examination table.........
That was a bit OTT but you get the general idea!
Well, what a difference from the Bush DAC90A.
The HMV (February 1946) gives very much the feel of a kit?
Findings so far are that both the scale lamps (5V 0.15A?!?) are blown.
The dropper (although good) seems to have seen a hard life, maybe a "wattless dropper" for the main resistance would be in order......we shall see, it's early days.
There is a LOT of waxies in there, how they crammed 6 valves in there AND thought it was a good design is a bit beyond me.
All the rubber covered wiring is shot, it'll be replaced with PTFE or TEFLON, for the very hot parts it's silicone all the way, luckily there's no shortage of either in the scrap bins at work!
Why oh why did they notate every capacitor value in uF?
And why do the Trader Sheets never give the working voltages?
There's a waxy in the chassis rated at 750VDC?!?!?
Then again there's an 8uF capacitor rated at 175VDC, go figure.
I'm guessing it's more a question of what they could get hold of at the time as it was just after WW2 ended. The 32uF capacitors have both leaked electrolyte quite badly.
More exploration on the morrow.............
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